Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday Bouldering/Pizza Night

We hosted a bouldering/pizza party at our house. It's really climbing with lots of beer and socializing. Joe and Janet upped it a notch and brought ingredients for mojitos! We pulled the first recipe found off google and with a heavy hand on the rum, Joe's first pitcher came out incredible tasty and smooth. You could swear he forgot to mix in the rum but he kept pointing to the bottle (more than half gone) to prove its potency. Knowing I had to get up early-ish the next day for a ride, I abstained and stuck to cider. Most everyone else happily indulged except the beer die-hearts and the kids of course. There were 3 that evening ranging in age from 11 to almost 5. They added such a fun raucous nature to the evening, an energy and zest we adults can no longer muster or tap. They checked out the frogs/frog-poles (all our tadpoles have their front legs now too), ran around the deck with the dogs, bouldered and leaped on the crash pad, crammed down pizza, pondered the feelings of dogs, savored watermelon, and raced cars on the xbox. We adults drank, ate, climbed and happily chatted the evening away.

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